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13. Known Issues

Table 17. Known issues
Bug Description
8105 KVM: NFS v4 for primary storage may not work. Use v3.
8076 KVM: Unable to process quoted strings in ifcfg-eth0 when setting up the Cloudstack Agent
8486 XenServer: putting a host into maintenance mode will fail if some guests do not have PV drivers.
5573 KVM: editing the name of a Pod will revent VMs from starting.
many The internationalization feature of the CloudStack is immature. Some strings have not been extracted and will still render in English.
7145, 9912 Basic mode networking: if the Secondary Storage VM's private and public IP ranges are in the same subnet the SSVM will not function properly.
10624 The download volume function is unreliable.
10507 The SSVM does not get assigned a route to the internal DNS server.