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Chapter 9. Initialization and Testing

You should have one Java process running CloudStack on the Management Server. This is the Management Server process.
After everything is configured CloudStack will perform its initialization. This can take 30 minutes or more depending on the speed of your network. During this initialization process several things happen:
  • CloudStack will start the Secondary Storage VM and Console Proxy VM from the system VM template downloaded into each Zone. In the System Section, Virtual Resources, System VMs section you will see the status of these VMs listed first as Creating, then as Starting, then as Running. You can click on Refresh is the upper right to update the status.
  • After the Secondary Storage VM is running the Management Server will initiate the downloads of the CentOS templates. One is downloaded for each hypervisor type. The Management Server requests that the Secondary Storage VM perform this download. You can go to the Templates tab to check the status of this download. Go to Templates then My Templates when logged in as admin. The status will show “Storage agent or storage VM disconnected” until the Secondary Storage VM is running. Then the status will change to show that the download is in progress. You can click Refresh to update the download percentages.
  • Once the CentOS templates are downloaded they will be uncompressed by the Secondary Storage VM. This is a large file and this operation will take several minutes. The Management Server will then update each template’s status to Ready.
If these steps do not work you should see the Troubleshooting section below, or ask for help in the forums or on IRC.


If these steps do not work further testing will not be successful. You must resolve the above issues before proceeding.
Once CloudStack has finished initializing, use the following steps to try creating a new virtual machine.
  1. Go to the Instances menu in the left hand column. Click on My Instances.
  2. Click the Add Instances button and follow the steps in the wizard.
    1. The template selection screen requires selecting a template. At this point you likely have only the provided CentOS template available.
    2. Select a service offering. Be sure that your hardware has enough available resources or the virtual machine will fail to stop.
    3. Add any additional "data disk". This is a second volume that will be available to but not mounted in the guest. For example, in Linux on XenServer you will see /dev/xvdb in the guest.
    4. Choose the primary network for the guest. You will have only one option here. You must pick exactly one.
    5. Optionally give your VM a name and a group. The group is text that may be whatever you would like. Click Submit and your VM will be created and started.
If you decide to grow your deployment, you can add more Hosts, Primary Storage, Zones, Pods, and Clusters. Repeat the procedures above as needed.