CloudStack v2.2.13 - 2.2.14 Root Admin API Reference


Lists storage pools.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
clusteridlist storage pools belongig to the specific clusterfalse
idthe ID of the storage poolfalse
ipaddressthe IP address for the storage poolfalse
keywordList by keywordfalse
namethe name of the storage poolfalse
paththe storage pool pathfalse
podidthe Pod ID for the storage poolfalse
zoneidthe Zone ID for the storage poolfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe ID of the storage pool
clusteridthe ID of the cluster for the storage pool
clusternamethe name of the cluster for the storage pool
createdthe date and time the storage pool was created
disksizeallocatedthe host's currently allocated disk size
disksizetotalthe total disk size of the storage pool
disksizeusedthe host's currently used disk size
ipaddressthe IP address of the storage pool
namethe name of the storage pool
paththe storage pool path
podidthe Pod ID of the storage pool
podnamethe Pod name of the storage pool
statethe state of the storage pool
tagsthe tags for the storage pool
typethe storage pool type
zoneidthe Zone ID of the storage pool
zonenamethe Zone name of the storage pool