CloudStack v2.2.13 - 2.2.14 Root Admin API Reference


Acquires and associates a public IP to an account.

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
accountthe account to associate with this IP addressfalse
domainidthe ID of the domain to associate with this IP addressfalse
networkidThe network this ip address should be associated to.false
projectidDeploy vm for the projectfalse
zoneidthe ID of the availability zone you want to acquire an public IP address fromfalse

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idpublic IP address id
accountthe account the public IP address is associated with
allocateddate the public IP address was acquired
associatednetworkidthe ID of the Network associated with the IP address
domainthe domain the public IP address is associated with
domainidthe domain ID the public IP address is associated with
forvirtualnetworkthe virtual network for the IP address
ipaddresspublic IP address
iselastictrue if this ip is elastic ip (was allocated as a part of deployVm or createLbRule)
issourcenattrue if the IP address is a source nat address, false otherwise
isstaticnattrue if this ip is for static nat, false otherwise
networkidthe ID of the Network where ip belongs to
physicalnetworkidthe physical network this belongs to
projectthe project name of the address
projectidthe project id of the ipaddress
stateState of the ip address. Can be: Allocatin, Allocated and Releasing
virtualmachinedisplaynamevirutal machine display name the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip)
virtualmachineidvirutal machine id the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip)
virtualmachinenamevirutal machine name the ip address is assigned to (not null only for static nat Ip)
vlanidthe ID of the VLAN associated with the IP address
vlannamethe VLAN associated with the IP address
zoneidthe ID of the zone the public IP address belongs to
zonenamethe name of the zone the public IP address belongs to