CloudStack v2.2.13 - 2.2.14 Domain Admin API Reference


List the ip forwarding rules

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
idLists rule with the specified ID.false
ipaddressidlist the rule belonging to this public ip addressfalse
projectidlist firewall rules by projectfalse
virtualmachineidLists all rules applied to the specified Vm.false

Response Tags

Response NameDescription
idthe ID of the port forwarding rule
cidrlistthe cidr list to forward traffic from
ipaddressthe public ip address for the port forwarding rule
ipaddressidthe public ip address id for the port forwarding rule
privateendportthe ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range
privateportthe starting port of port forwarding rule's private port range
protocolthe protocol of the port forwarding rule
publicendportthe ending port of port forwarding rule's private port range
publicportthe starting port of port forwarding rule's public port range
statethe state of the rule
virtualmachinedisplaynamethe VM display name for the port forwarding rule
virtualmachineidthe VM ID for the port forwarding rule
virtualmachinenamethe VM name for the port forwarding rule